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Posts Tagged ‘good acting’

Starting from Emotional Truth

In Acting & Politics, NYFA journals on December 28, 2010 at 5:59 am

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This is a concept that is hard to fathom. Some (i.e. charismatic extraordinaires and liars alike) are naturals; others (actors, etc.) invest in training.

{ Originally written on July 20, 2010 }

Good acting begins with emotional truth.

I understand this as being able to convey and deliver a truthful experience. Skills required, as mentioned in class, are those of concentration, communication, and connection with others. While this may be the key elements that make a good actor, I feel that once these skills are mastered, it would make anyone a master of persuasion.

International relations theorist Joseph Nye had coined the term “soft power”, which has been greatly appropriated in the international politics arena to describe countries such as China, India, etc. Debates about what constitutes as soft power and what it is capable of achieving have become the latest hot topics in the field. Essentially, it is the ability to get others to want what they want; it is influence at its greatest. I think a good actor encompasses a great amount of soft power, and I believe that the training they put themselves through in order to acquire this influence would be of great interest to all those interested in soft power.

Fast-forward to now: Well, it seems that I really do believe in what I say. Having always aspired to a career in international diplomacy, in 2011, I shall be NYC bound for some full-time training in Acting for Film, at the New York Film Academy. Before that even, in less than a month, I’ll be meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger in Toronto when he comes to talk about Canada-US relations!!!

I may just be too overwhelmed to Tweet live.
